SpiritualityThe Benefits of Practicing Yoga Outdoors

The Benefits of Practicing Yoga Outdoors

The Benefits of Practicing Yoga Outdoors

Yoga trains your mind to be calm and still. When a mind is tame, you can see things clearly. Doing yoga outdoors will intensify the experience and heighten your awareness. People are enjoying outdoor activities and become more active especially with warmer temperature. If you are into yoga, now is the time to think about taking your practice outdoors.

In beach towns and tropical destinations, outdoor yoga is already popular especially at retreats that combine yoga with other outdoor activities. By practicing yoga outdoors, you can establish your link to the environment and feel how inseparable you are from it.

In beach towns and tropical destinations, outdoor yoga is already popular especially at retreats that combine yoga with other outdoor activities. By practicing yoga outdoors, you can establish your link to the environment and feel how inseparable you are from it.

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Practicing yoga exercises outdoors is one of the best ways to truly experience the benefits of yoga. So what are the benefits of practicing yoga outdoors?

1. Connect with Nature – Grounding is a huge part of yoga and meditation. It is important to get in touch of yourself, your surroundings and get grounded. It is just amazing for your skin, your inner glow and connect to the greatest of living things, the Mother Nature.

2. Gives You More Energy – Spending time outside actually gives you more energy. According to studies, being outside triggers signals to our brain that the body is in natural environment and keep us alert, therefore giving you more energy.

3. A Breathe of Fresh Air – Practicing yoga outdoors where fresh air flows freely is a whole new experience instead of doing it inside your home. Breathing deeply feels fresher.

Fresh air elevates your breath awareness making it easier to be self-aware in terms of your breathing. All this fresh air clears your head and within moments of beginning your practice, you will enter a whole new state of mindfulness. You know how important breathing is, so practicing outside is the ideal way to do it.

4. Social Benefits – We have friends and family doing yoga at home and struggling for some time to do for themselves. Some of us practice yoga at home and usually practice alone in our living rooms.

One of the great benefits of practicing yoga outdoors is human interaction. You may invite your yogi friend along. Invite your family member or any of your friends to experience yoga. Doing yoga outdoors like in a park or in the beach and hear people’s laughter around you is enough to boost your own levels of happiness. Typically, strangers who are also doing yoga will try to talk to you. Most of the time you will find yourself smiling and laughing and your practice will have renewed energy.

5. Benefits of Vitamin D – This is a great opportunity to spend more time in the sun and get the needed Vitamin D for your body. Make sure to pick a more shaded area if you practice yoga during hot times of the day.

6. Open Space for Yoga – Practicing yoga inside your home makes you feel trapped inside that four walls. Get your yoga mat and set it up in your lawn, at the park or at the beach with free spaces around you. You can stretch your arms farther than you ever thought. No worry about stepping on fragile things or punching your dog. There’s so much room to keep you moving!

When doing yoga outdoors, make sure you bring lots of sun block, your hat and water and your yoga mat. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, you can explore other outdoor activities combining yoga with hiking or rock-climbing.

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